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dc.description.abstract"The area of operation of Pemex Logistics is responsible for planning and transporting crude oil according to the operational program, which aim to transport 460,000 barrels per day of which about 75,000 are lost each day equivalent to 16.3% of the program established daily and estimated at USD $ 2,100,000 million. The operation of the turbopumps in the 5t substation is incorrect, presenting problems because of the rotation of human resources at the station. The hiring of new staff without training causes various system failures in the oil pipeline transportation, caused by lack of knowledge and experience to operate a turbopump properly causing unplanned outages in transmission lines and some equipment failures by on line overpressures. The research improves the current system of decision making by integrating fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks in order to increase their operational reliability in their pumping stations, that optimizes suction and discharge capacities between them to avoid variation of capabilities that causes high delays in the oil pipeline system. The proposed system minimizes the transport problems by 11% in the system of repumping from baseline of 16.3% and representing approximately $1,484,000 million dollars daily, with this standardization of decision-making processes the economic benefit of Pemex is increased."es_MX
dc.relationCid, J.J. (2017). Development of a Decision Support System to increase operational reliability of Hydrocarbon Distribution System (International Congress on Logistics & Supply Chain (CiLOG2016)). Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Orizaba, México.es_MX
dc.subjectMantenimiento Industriales_MX
dc.titleDevelopment of a Decision Support System to increase operational reliability of Hydrocarbon Distribution Systemes_MX
dc.authorJONATHAN JOSUE CID GALIOT*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*660805es_MX
dc.authorALBERTO ALFONSO AGUILAR LASSERRE*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*40413es_MX
dc.authorLUIS ANTONIO CALDERON PALOMARES*info:eu-repo/dai/mx/cvu/*238274es_MX
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